Mixamo X-Bot and Y-Bot Avatars 22-Jan-2021 https://www.mixamo.com/ type=Characters search query=Bot Original FBX avatars from Mixamo. Fred Beckhusen, outworldz.com for Blender rigging and Collada export. Virtual World Packaging by Ai Austin. Colours Y-Bot: Hex: #EC958C (shininess Blank 30% #EC958C) and #9C6359 (shininess Blank 10% #9C6359) Y-Bot: Hex: #58AEBF (shininess Blank 30% #58AEBF) and #6D7F82 (shininess Blank 10% #6D7F82) License https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/creative-cloud/faq/mixamo-faq.html You can use both characters and animations royalty free for personal, commercial, and non-profit projects including: * Incorporating characters into illustrations and graphic art * 3D printing characters * Creating films * Creating video games